Denniston Data

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Provider Ranking System™

The largest and most accurate data available on medical providers in the U.S.

Denniston Data Screenshots of the Provider Ranking System

Provider Ranking information based on actual experience data along with cost information for specific medical procedures.

REAL DATA. No Paid Ads.

No strings attached. Try out the entire platform FREE for 2 weeks.

Real, Comprehensive Provider Ranking System™

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Over One Million Providers

Including medical doctors and all other types of providers that bill for medical procedures.

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Search Multiple Ways

Lookup provider by 10-digit NPI numbers, or by any combination of last name, first name, city, state and medical specialty.

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Narrow Your Search

Review your results and begin narrowing your search by selecting the appropriate provider page.

Get Instant Access (FREE)

No Credit Card Required

Just sign up below and you're in.

Use the entire platform FREE for 2 weeks.

Benefits of Provider Ranking System™

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100% Transparent

No paid advertisements or placement. A transparent methodology based on factual data, not opinions.

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Comparative Data

Compare unbiased provider ranking and cost information for specific medical procedures/providers.

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Manage Costs & Resources

Unique targeted information can optimize health outcomes, cost efficiency and manage referral resources effectively.

Provider Ranking System™

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